No more papers ! No more papers!!
No more papers! No more papers!! I remember those days when I used to search desperately for my mark sheets, degree certificates, and other official documents that I had missed or misplaced somewhere. Probably most of us would have faced this situation! Filing everything starting from the birth certificate, mark sheets and other documents has become the biggest task for everyone. So much of papers inside one file, and sometimes, one more file for maintaining the xerox copy of the same. Number of file increases depends on the number of family members! Not only in home, people in Business organisation needs lots of time and effort for filing and a separate space for keeping it safe. How many files ? How many papers ? How much of efforts required to maintain all these? It was challenging right? Forget the physical lockers that we used to keep our files in a safer place. Its time to use Digital lockers. Digital lockers?? Yeah!! Digi lockers is a digital service, an ...